Free and independent media is essential to democracy
SPCMO is an association established and authorised under Swedish law to, in relation to the publishers´ right, protect and manage the rights on behalf of Swedish publishers of press publications related to the online use of their content. Free and independent media is essential to the Swedish democracy by ensuring quality journalism and citizens’ access to information.
The operation of SPCMO
SPCMO negotiates and concludes agreements on the use of press publications, as well as to collect, manage, and pay amounts due arising from the licensing of the publishers´ right on behalf of Swedish publishers of press publications. SPCMO is also authorised, where applicable, to negotiate and pay amounts due under section 48 d § Swedish Copyright Act to certain groups of rightsholders on behalf of its members. SPCMO shall also monitor and protect the rights arising from the publishers´ right on behalf of Swedish publishers of press publications.
SPCMO includes many media houses, both news media houses and magazine publishers, and the trade associations Tidningsutgivarna and Sveriges Tidskrifter have endorsed the establishment of the organisation.
Read more about SPCMO:s operation here;
What is SPCMO?
SPCMO is a collective management organisation that manage rights related to the publishers´ right.
The members of SPCMO
SPCMO has many media houses, both news media houses and magazine publishers, as members.